Welcome to TheGoodbyeGirls.ca
The Goodbye Girls is the brainchild of author Juliet Domvile, a master of weaving compelling narratives that draw readers into the fabric of small-town life.
Our Journey:
What began with the random thought, “If I wanted to start a funeral planning business, what would I call it?” resulted in an award-winning novel called The Goodbye Girls Putting The Fun In Funerals. The Goodbye Girls book(s) are filled with rich, quirky characters with complicated relationships and unforgettable adventures.
At the heart of our mission is a profound belief in the transformative power of storytelling. We see it as a force that connects people, sparks creativity, and ignites the imagination.
The Goodbye Girls Won!

Honoured to be selected as the winner of the Humour/Comedy/Satire category.
2023 American Fiction Awards: Press Release
2023 American Fiction Awards: Full Results

Tickled pink to be a finalist for the 2024 American Legacy Book Awards for Humour/Comedy/Satire.